
Gloria Schultz
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Dutcher Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Jolette Kehoe Thole
Condolence: To the Entire Family, Your in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time, Cherish all the good times.
Thursday April 05, 2012
Condolence From: Verna & Danny Winger
Condolence: Jerry, Nichol, Jerry and Sara-I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It is one of the hardest people in the world to lose. Just remember the memories you have made and keep them in your heart. Danny and Verna Winger
Thursday April 05, 2012
Condolence From: Sue Rubley
Condolence: My heart breaks so much for Gloria and Ethan & Keegan. I wish so much that Gloria could be here to watch them grow, go to their ball games, graduate from high school, etc. I wish so much that Ethan & Keegan could have had many years with their Grandma Schultz. It breaks my heart that they were robbed of those special times with their Grandma. Ethan & Keegan and I had a talk last night about you, and though they're just little, they realize that you were very sick and that you're in heaven now, no longer suffering. They loved their Grandma Schultz.
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: Ruth Ann Stollings
Condolence: My heart is broken and I will never forget my baby sister..I loved more than words can say, even if we didn't spend time together in the last few years.I always knew where you were and that Jerry was there to take good care of you.I know that our Daddy came and took you to live in heaven with him and he is taking good care of you just like Jerry did..Explore all the wonderful things only heaven can offer my baby sister..I will someday see you and Daddy again...but until then I will miss you each and every day..Watch out for Daddy's bear hugs....
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: Heather Peet
Condolence: My dear sweet momma, I can't make it without you. No matter how many times we got mad at each other we always loved harder than we fought. I am lost without you mom and need you home. I am waiting for the phone to ring so you can tell me something I forgot to do. Daddy is not ok without you. You always said that you are happy when we are happy...well momma we are not happy without you. My heart hurts and I need you to say that it will be ok. I am trying to be strong like you lived your life and taught me but I am not doing very well. My Ryan is so lost without you right now; please take her hand and help guide her. I will do my best to make you proud and if you ever need anything mommy look no further than my heart.
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: Peggy Winger
Condolence: Jerry,Nichol and kids, so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful person. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: susan mcvicker snyder
Condolence: we all are going to miss her. we all loved PEE WEE
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: Nichole Schultz
Condolence: You will be missed so much. Ethan and Keegan keep saying they sure do miss grandma. You ment so much to my little boys. I love you and will always cherish the memories we had. You sure did spoil Ethan and Keegan .
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: Robin Drumm
Condolence: So sorry for your loss. Prayers to you all.
Wednesday April 04, 2012
Condolence From: Steven Hall
Condolence: Aunt peewee. I will miss you dearly. I only have memories of you happy an laughing for that aunt peewee I thank you an I will always love you. Rest in peace
Wednesday April 04, 2012

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